My Story

My journey began in 2016 with a simple desire to improve the internet in my small rural communities. Mission one was to understand the issues and challenges preventing viable service only 50 miles away from the nations capital.

I began attending local municipal telecommunications meeting to hear what seem to be insurmountable obstacles preventing expanding and deploying service in rural areas.

As the lead writer and system designer our firm was awarded our first municipal RFP to deploy a 4G network in a rural county. After the initial success with one proof-of-concept tower site we went on to deploy 18 more locations to serve more than 700 rural customers that had not had high speed broadband service before. 

2020 was a critical decision time as the 5G Ecosystem dominated to the teleco communications. Our next municipal site would be 5G capable and reach performance levels exceeding 100 Mbps on the downlink and 15 Mbps on the Uplink. 

Due to the success of these two sites we were awarded the second major RFP to deploy a 5G-Hybrid network to cover 80% of the county.

It was time for me to launch TrailRunner Communications. The next step in the evolution was to help others navigate the complex communications path into the future. Excellent partnerships from past mentors, equipment manufacturers, and vendors has positioned me to share past successes and facilitate to complete satisfaction successful communication projects.
